Frequently Asked Questions
As AKS PLAST, we produce two different types of edge bands, PVC and ABS.
There are no distinct differences between PVC and ABS edge bands in terms of appearance, application, usage and quality. The only difference derives from the raw materials used during production. PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is the first and most common raw material used for edgebanding, whereas ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) is more environmentally friendly in terms of content.
The quality of the wooden furnitures that are used in homes and workplaces is definitely reflected through the complementary and intermediate materials that you use. The quality of the details and intermediate materials and their harmony with the main body brings your furniture and wood prodcuts to the next level in terms of quality and elegance. With this understanding, while choosing the edge bands, it is important to pay attention to the edge band’s perfect harmony and match with the chipboard, MDF and PVC surfaces in terms of color, pattern and quality.
The most important issue while choosing the edge bands is to have a sample of that material which you are going to use. In order to achieve the right color and pattern harmony, we recommend you to choose your edge band in an environment with plenty of daylight ,or even choosing them at outdoor if it is possible.
Finding the right and high-quality complementary materials for many specific and exclusive projects can be an important but also a difficult and challenging problem. In this case, we handle your requests to every detail; we specially study the pattern and color that you want. Subsequently, we produce the most suitable edge band for your project without demanding high quantities. We are here to produce different colors and patterns specifically for you. You can fill in and send our request form for your special production requests.
Special Production Request Form
Nowadays, edge bands are applied in banding machines with appropriate temperature, pressure and edge band glue. For the PVC and ABS edge bands, it is recommended to be applied by professional teams in accordance with occupational health and safety rules in special application workshops.
The lacquer, which is applied at the last step of the production of wooden patterns on edge bands, provides resistance against scratches. With proper care, edge bands can be used for a longer life. Solvent or alcohol-based cleaning agents should be avoided as they may melt the products’ surface. It will be sufficient to use suitable cleaning materials for plastic surfaces.
Today's production processes are under control in many aspects. As AKS PLAST, we keep human health at our focus and we use environmental-friendly materials in all our production processes. Thus, heavy metals and chemicals are not included in our production process.
After reviewing our AKS PLAST online catalogs, you can send your requests directly by contacting us. You can visit the AKS PLAST contact page.